
Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Happy Women's day to all women of Yacata

Yavusa Yacata draws strengths from its women during troubles,smiles,distress,devastations and grows stronger in prayers and hope.........HAPPY women's day to all the women of Yacata.


1. The French Gov. brought about 2.5tons of construction tools to the island including Spade,Fork,Posthole Spade,hammer, Hand saw,Tin Cutter,all sizes of construction nails,tarpulin etc
2. Rations for the first 6 days were provided by Kaibu including a carcase of beef meat.
3. Rations from NDMO/Loloma Foundation were also distributed on the 9th day which was Sunday amongst the number of families.
4. Aust gov. supplied 55 large tarpulins.
5. So altogether each family has about 4 to 5 tarpulins each.
6. Our yavusa collections was loaded on the barge last Friday 4th of March with about 100 plus cartons.
7. Gobal of Compassion's 45 household pack was also loaded onto the barge the same day.


1. The first batch of volunteers(8) left on 1/03/16 with 5 more yet to go.
2. Their main priority to fix priority areas ie; Health Centre fixed and operational,last Friday. The school to fix Teachers quarters and makeshift classrooms for the school to start this week.
3. Families were encouraged to clear and clean their own compound and built makeshift tents for temporary shelters assisted by volunteers.
4. Last Friday 4th March sent a 32" blade Hasgarvana Chainsaw (biggest size) to help in the clearing of big trees as none in the village.
5.WATER- Issential to the healthy livelihood of the community will be assessed by the Team Leader who will at the same time prepare an assessment report for the borehole operation as its
6. Talatala's residents is the next for the volunteers as fund is available for repairs.
6. UNICEF also left for Yacata on 3/01/16 with loads of ware tablets and medication kits.They have assessed on waste management and supplied portable toilets.
7. Overseas volunteers Team 1 will arrive on 9/03/16 Tomorrow and Team 2 will arrive on 16/03/16 (next Wednesday)


1. Relocation is a must while it needs proper planning and assessment.
2. A new focus has been targeted after confirming all the consolidated activities above and also seeing food rations should last them for the next four months, the meeting have unanimously agreed to move towards "FUNDRAISING" to be held on 28th of March at the Police Bure,Valelevu in line with volunteers demand.
The objectives:
a) To align ourselves towards volunteers demand in terms of construction materials for the 14 partly damaged homes.
b) To assist those who are in real need for relocation(those their homes have been washed away by the tidal waves.

Rebuilding and reconstruction will take a while, 3 to 6 months if everything goes to plan and we all hope to see a lot of new developments and the "LIGHT OF TRUTH BEGINS TO SHINE over yavusa Yacata in his own time.